Thursday, March 31, 2022


 The Meditations of the Passion 

Our children's Religious Education in the atrium ends on the second week of May.  As the children love the candlelight ceremonies, I make them a priority.  They will go on to a summer program and then CCD in the Fall.  I try to give them the benefit of all our CGS presentations so that they have the most memorable year preparing for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.  Therefore, I like everything to be setup in advance of the children arriving.  When they enter, they know we're going to do something special, so they have the anticipation and motivation.  I always tell them what will be happening the following week, as the children often ask me. 

They are excited to come if they know what it is and they never forget!  I honestly think attendance is better as they discuss it with their parents.  I hear them discussing it when  they arrive and leave the atrium.  So I make sure the setting and props are in place when they enter. 

Everything is planned out like a major production and it should be beautiful and appealing.  I have five small low tables my husband made for me and I use them for many different presentations: The Synthesis of the Mass, The Meditations, The Reenactment of the Last Supper, The Leaven, The Growing Seed, The Level I City of Jerusalem, The Cruets and Washing of the Hands and for presenting the Bible Stories each week in front of the prayer table.  So they are very useful.

In addition to placing the buildings from the City of Jerusalem with the Scripture Booklets, I also downloaded photos of these buildings from Jerusalem.  I show them the photos before we start and go around the tables explaining each station.

In addition, I reworded the Scripture to make it easier for the children to read.  Half the class still had trouble with the easier wording because English is their second language.  I've shortened the text as well.  Each candle is lit before reading the Scripture booklet.


The last two booklets 8, "The Tomb," and 9, "The Risen Christ," were not required.  I wanted to add them to complete the story of Christ's Passion.  I usually read the booklet on the Resurrection to them which is brief.
We have a moment of silence after the  Crucifixion.

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