The Kingdom of God and the Leaven
The children have received their First Communion this past weekend. Very different from our past First Communion celebrations due to Covid restrictions. Nevertheless, our mission has been accomplished and these wonderful children are now total members of our Catholic church family. I wish I could post their beautiful photos here but since I cannot, I am posting three of my favorite lessons in the Atrium:

The Reenactment of the Last Supper -
It is such a joy to see the children love this work and participate in what actually happened that night at the Last Supper.
The Kingdom of God and the Leaven
We did the Leaven this past week. I was surprised that the children had never baked anything before. This was a new experience for them mixing flour, leaven and water; then kneading the dough. So they each did two muffins. I have two children working at this small table and supervise. The lessons in meditation are based on these questions: What can the Kingdom of God be like? {I wonder}. What is hidden in this world that we cannot see? {God} What is hidden at mass in the bread? {Jesus} Do we see ourselves growing taller night after night? {No} The bread raises and we know not how and we can't see it grow as it's happening so slowly. This is like our Faith. Our faith grows mysteriously as we receive our Lord in the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. We know not how. Yet we grow in the Fruits of the Holy Spirit but first we must die to our sins. Let go of them and become a new person.
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