This blog is an attempt to help others make materials for teaching Scripture and Liturgy of the Eucharist for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) in an Atrium setting, which is a Montessori based program. Please write to me at
Thursday, June 14, 2018
The Synthesis of the Mass, a Level II material
The Liturgy of the Eucharist is a material which includes everything the children have been learning in Level I and II about the Mass. Since they have been learning all the gestures of the priest, they are now ready to put it all together in the order of the Liturgy.
At the top of the table there is a small Holy Bible and this represents the "Liturgy of the Word." It is the only material for the first half of the mass. There is a green card placed with it which says that "the people of God are ready to listen to the Word of God."
Now the "Liturgy of the Eucharist" begins. The children will recall the "Preparation of the cruets" and the "Preparation of the Chalice." These are the first things they learn in Level I, (3-6 year olds). So the cruets are placed on the table along with the chalice and the Paten with host. A Yellow Card has the prayer the priest says for the Preparation of the Chalice. The Orange Card, which is next, gives the prayer of the "Epiclesis" and there are two hands which the child puts on top of the chalice and Paten while they say the prayer of the priest. We keep moving the chalice and Paten down the table reusing it for each gesture and prayer of the priest.
The next material is a small statue which represents Jesus and the twelve apostles at the Last Supper. In front of it there are two Orange Cards with the words of Jesus at the Last Supper, "Take this, all of you," which the child will read. Then the crucifix and the candles are brought out and lit to signify the Resurrection. The five Orange Cards in front of them are the "Mystery of Faith." It can be said together or sung in celebration of the Consecration of the bread and wine. There is still more celebrating in the mass when the priest lifts up high the Chalice and Paten with bread and sings the "Doxology," which we used to call the Offering. Then all the people sing loudly, "Amen." There are two Orange Cards placed by the chalice and Paten. Now the Chalice and Paten appear in the picture above.
Next all the people stand and sing the "Our Father" and then there is the "Sign of Peace" represented by the two gray cards: one of the "Our Father" and on the right the photo of a hand shake.
What isn't shown in the photo is something I've recently added and that is the "Breaking of Bread" which is next as well as the words of the Centurian's Servant, "Lord I am not worthy . . ." These were not included in this material and so I've added these two cards and have also added them to the Missal that the children make of the "Liturgy of the Eucharist." I felt these were very important as they are the words the children say right before Communion.
this photo was taken I've also made changes to simplify things. One thing
was to tape the Mystery of Faith cards together. Also I've taped the
words of the Consecration on the orange cards together and taped
the gray cards for the Our Father and the Photo of the Sign of Peace.
Finally, I've also taped the Doxology and the AMEN together. Fewer
cards make it easier to present and for the children to do the work).
I use three small tables and cover them with a white altar cloth which I made to fit the tables. All of these are kept in the box (right). I actually found this beautiful handmade box at the Thrift Shop and my husband put the separators in it for me. I put the handle on the top and stained it.
In the box you can see that all the prayer cards are in a small holder. I've laminated everything. The altar cloth, crucifix, chalice and the small Holy Bible each have their own section. There is also the chalice, bread made from Sculpy clay, the two candles and the Last Supper statue. They all fit snugly in the box and I show the children how to put it away.
use this material three times during the year. I like to go through
the Liturgy of the Eucharist with the children while using their missals as it's good practice
for them. When they finish making their own Missals, they can take them home and use them at Mass. We see many of the children doing this. This usually takes them eight classes to do as they do one page each time they come to the Atrium.
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